
How a Well-Designed Room Promotes a Sense of Wellbeing

Last updated on September 13th, 2024

In today’s world, more and more people are focusing on creating spaces that make them feel good. Did you know that experts valued the global wellness economy at a whopping $5.6 trillion in 2022?

According to the Global Wellness Institute, this trend is only continuing to grow. And it’s no wonder. After the challenges of the past few years—like the pandemic and growing concerns about the environment—many of us are looking for easy ways to improve our daily lives. These improvements often start at home.

How wellness became a top priority in home decor

These days, many of us are making intentional choices about our living spaces. According to McKinsey & Co., about half of all Americans now see wellness as a top priority in their daily lives. In fact, in one year alone, Americans spent more than $450 billion on wellness products and services. This isn’t just about spending money; it’s about investing in ourselves and our wellbeing.

One way people are embracing wellness at home is by creating spaces that promote calm and comfort. This doesn’t mean you have to go all out and renovate your entire house. Sometimes, small changes can make a big difference, like choosing decor that feels good to be around.

According to the Global Wellness Institute, wellness architecture and design are becoming increasingly popular. This comes as more people recognize how their surroundings impact their overall health and wellbeing. The right choice of materials and furniture pieces can create an environment that supports both mental and physical health.

Getting started with wellness-centered decor

A great place to start when designing a wellness-focused room is right under your feet: area rugs. Rugs can be a game-changer when creating a cozy and comforting atmosphere. Compared to hard floors, a rug offers soft texture that feels soothing and can even help reduce stress.

closeup of a jute rug in a living room

Naturally sustainable materials like wool, cotton, or jute are perfect for wellness-centered designs. Besides material, you can also consider the texture and color of the rug. Placing a fluffy shag rug in a reading nook, for example, can help create an inviting atmosphere.

a cozy reading nook with a fluffy shag rug

Rugs in soothing shades like green, gray, cream, and beige can bring a sense of peace to your space. This is especially key in places where you want to relax, like the bedroom.

Add comfort with pillows and throws

Beyond rugs, think about adding a few other accessories that can up the comfort factor in your home. Cozy pillows and warm throw blankets can instantly make rooms more inviting. As with rugs, think about what textures and colors complement the vibe you’re going for.

a woman sitting in a living room with a textured rug and matching accessories

This can be anything from a knit blanket to a chunky woven pillow. And don’t forget the personal touches! Cherished mementos, or even your favorite books on the coffee table, can help make your space feel like a true sanctuary.

Create a dedicated “zen space”

If you’re ready to take things up a notch, consider creating a “zen room”, or even a wellness nook in your home. It doesn’t have to be large—just a little corner where you can unwind and recharge.

Chicago-based designer Sarah Jacquelyn Interiors suggests a wellness area that considers a few different factors. This includes natural light, air quality, and, of course, comfortable furnishings. “Designating an area in your home to chill out can help clear your mind and reduce stress,” she says.

a woman reading a book on a chair by the living room window

Creating your own wellness nook could be as simple as placing a comfy chair near a living room window that gets plenty of light. You can even set up a meditation corner in your bedroom.

Design from the ground up

Whatever way you choose to create a sense of wellbeing in your home, starting with what’s underfoot is a great first step. A thoughtfully chosen rug can set the tone for a well-designed room that feels welcoming, calming, and just right for you.

closeup of a neutral textured rug in a living room

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